What have we been up to this fine summer? Read on my friends, read on.
JJ has put in 2 sprinkling systems,

started a new job
(not as a cook mind you, but he can make a mean omelet),

is 12 credits closer to graduation,

and went on a fishing/camping trip for "school",....

Its no wonder that he fell asleep under the coffee table
(see post below)....
Bridger has been visiting new best friends,

growing like nobody's business,

enjoying morning showers with dad,
and just working on being the little stud he is.
Sadie has been busy playing fetch all day and night, still letting out the worst stinkers ever, and eating casseroles while I'm not looking, earning her the title of "the !@#$ dog!" If JJ ever doubts my love, he need only whistle and Reassurance will come bounding up the stairs to lick and fart right in his face.
I have been workin on my green thumb and harvesting, planting flowers
(I hope I don't grow children the way I grow flowers...they don't seem to last for me...),
trying not to
look 6 months pregnant, gearing myself to go back to work
(oh gosh, I get a lump in my throat just typing this) 
and enjoying my little family to bits and pieces.
('cept the !@#$ dog, sometimes I don't enjoy her so much...only when she eats my dinner....and toots....and barks and wakes Bridger up from a nap....and rolls in the mud puddle by the house.)
How I miss your singing JJ.
Oh how I love that Bridger boy (his parents too-that goes without sayin' right?)! I need to snuggle him!
What fun!!
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