So I feel like I haven't anything real "blogworthy" to write about lately. Which has gotten me thinking (a dangerous past time, I know)...who do I blog for anyway? Do I blog so other people will see how awesome my life is and wish they had my hot husband and super cute little man? I never wanted my blog to turn into one of those, mybabyisthecutestbabyandsoismysuperhothusbandandiamthebestmomandyouallshouldbejealous blogs. (Although, in all reality, I do have a super awesome husband and super awesome little man and you all should be a little jealous of that) I guess I'm going through some sort of blog identity crisis.
In an attempt to break the writers block, I am going to blog about motherhood. I know, I know many of you are thinking. "What? You've been a mother for all of two minutes and you think you know enough to blog about it?" And my answer to that is...yes. Well, what I know of motherhood anyway. :)
Disclaimer: I am in no way claiming that I am a perfect mother or that my husband is perfect or that my child is perfect. I'm not complaining either, merely observing and stating the facts. I just call it like I see it. So here are some things I have learned about motherhood, my husband, my son, and myself this summer.
-I've never been so consistently sleep deprived. I am a nurse and I understand being tired (read: nightshifts) but little did I know that May 23rd was my last night of more than 5-6 hours of sleep. Now pre-motherhood, you wouldn't want to come near me with a 39 1/2 foot pole because I was a full on Grinch (I would probably steal your Christmas too) with that little amount of sleep. But now that I'm officially in the 'hood, I think I've been blessed with a little more patience to handle stuff on less shut eye. So you can come near me with say, a 38 1/2 foot pole instead. (I only wish I looked as cute as this little bug sleeping.)
-My aunt once said, "Motherhood is just so daily." I completely agree. So much of the same old same old changing of the diapers, feeding of the babe, washing of the clothes, etc. JJ has said to me on more than one occasion, "You are feeding him again?" Yep. I'm a regular diaper changing, spit up cleaning, milk making machine. And I do it over and over again. Every. single. day. (This face makes it all worth it.)
-Who knew I would love someone SO much, SO instantly, and SO fiercely? I understand a little more of the phrase, "Mama Bear". Love that child 'o mine. (You know, nothin big, just chillin with my hand on my knee, like I do.)
-This summer I have also learned that I have, and I quote, "Quite the ACL tear." This isn't NEW news to me. A year ago I tore my ACL in a soccer game. Ironically enough I found out I was pregnant and I tore my ACL all within the same week. Busy week. The doctor told me that he wouldn't fix it until I had delivered. So...a year we are. A baby and a very torn ACL. Apparently pregnancy hormones have made all my joints loosy goosy. They were surprised that I've been able to have some stability in my knee throughout my pregnancy because of how torn it was....Turns out I'm Gumby in my right knee. -Who knew that my love for my husband would grow? Its been so fun to watch JJ be a father to the little dude. Its even funner to listen to him talk to the B-meister in the shower. :) See post below for that entertainment.
-Going back to work. Talk about ripping my heart out. I've been back at work for over a month and I am just now getting to the point where I don't cry when I leave. The first day back at work was just awful. I cried the whole day prior to work, on the way to work, and all through report when I got to work. (I probably made more tears than milk that day.. and that's sayin somethin!) It was rough. My respect for working mothers has grown by leaps and bounds in the last month. Good thing I have a superhotawesomehusband (que jealousy) at home to lean on and be my support or I really don't know if I could do it. F'reals. (The special child in the background is my funny nephew Taylor.)
-I've learned that I like this motherhood thing. I do love the dailyness of it all-the diaper changing, consoling, sleep deprivation, feeding, smiling, crying so hard I laugh, and laughing so hard I cry. I love watching a little person, who I helped to create, grow and learn. I love that my family now consists of three. Who knew I'd love being a mother this much? Certainly not me.
Grandparents Day
6 years ago
Look, you had plenty that was blogworthy. It is fun watching you be a mom since you such a good one. And your baby is ginormous and extremely cute. And finally it is kind of sad that even with your gumby knee, you still kick my trash at trekking class.
I just love you natto, everything about you. You are you and i completely respect that about you. Loved this post. I miss cute baby bridger. Can we please play again soon? I need a kofford fix!
Holy cow, he is Soooooo big (or grown-up...however you want to look at it!) Anyway, my goodness. It's time for a squish. I hear ya about the knee thing. My lucky day is next week for a little fixer upper! :) Anyway, did you get my awesome text?
Nat, you're SERIOUSLY the best and I think your blog is one of my favorites because I laugh my head off every time I read it. I can only imagine what an incredible little mommy you are! You rock and look incredibly gorgeous in that last photo! What lucky guys Bridger and J.J. are to have you!
I think your blog has been so fun to read since you took over. No offense JJ. heehee...
Motherhood is great. Some days I have to remind myself that a million times and other days I feel so overwhelmed with gratitude for my 3 (soon to be 4) boys that I cry...(maybe it's the pregnancy hormones.) I'm so glad JJ found a great girl who is an awesome mother.
P.S. I LOVE the chub on that little man. SO ADORABLE!!!
Sweet Natto... no need to justify yourself so much. I think everyone that comes here to read your blog loves YOU so much that we would all read anything you want to take the time to share. Even if it was just about dirt. Because reading your hilarious "Natto voice" makes EVERYTHING funny and entertaining. Please keep blogging! I miss you too much when you don't. So glad you love motherhood! Looks like you have a lot of chub to love :)
oh Missy!!! Ditto to Kari's comment! And I just have one more thing to add- I told you so. Remember how I was so excited for you to have someone to love this much?! Oh, and one more, more thing... I'm still jealous of your ability to make your baby so fat!
I love this post, and I can completely relate. Your little man is so cute! And his rolls are so awesome! Can't wait to meet him. By the way, how is it possible that you look so great after having a baby not that long ago?! Needless to say I'm very jealous...
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