JJ and I have been world travelers for the last 3 weeks. Apparently we think money is indispensable and we have enough of it....(hmmm, don't know if that's quite true, but sure I'll take it!)
We were fortunate enough to visit Denmark, Prague, Austria, Rome, Cinque Terra, Paris, and even a little bit of Ireland. We took a bajillion pictures and have a ton of stories so if you want to suffer through that all in person, we'd be happy to tell all our tales. Nevertheless I won't subject you all to all the nitty gritty details of our wonderful trip. I'm splitting this up into a few posts so your eyes don't bug out and you quit reading (heaven forbid). ...So without further adieu, I present the first part of our glorious three weeks in Europe.
We flew into Ireland from New York cuz it was cheaper. And I'm all about the "cheaper chicken." (see previous post)
The Bunratty Castle, (a fun phrase to say with an Irish accent, go 'head, try it!) the first of many castles we would see. Everything in Ireland was of course so green and we loved it.
It was so fun to see where JJ served his mission, hear all the stories, and meet many people he associated with.

The Anderson family. They don't come more quality than them.
After a few days in Denmark listening to JJ oil up his rusty Danish, we were off to P-rague town.
And lo and behold, they actually ARE serving a mission! It was so fun to spend time with Mom and Dad. The people there love them so much (how could they not?)
I loved reading the first installment of "Where's the Koffords?" But I had a hard time finding JJ without his "man-pris!" Here;s hoping they will make an appearance in the next post!
Yay for a European holiday. "ROCK ON"!!!!!!!
Yay for a European holiday. "ROCK ON"!!!!!!!
My only regret about Europe was that I didn't where the ol' man-pris more! Curses my back pocket not having a button, and my own paranoia of being pick-pocketed...
I have been saying for weeks..."I wonder if Natalie is home? I really want to call her and hear every minute detail of her trip." Now I know you are so you can expect a call very soon.....bwaa ha ha!
p.s. I've been trying to get Matt to go on a European vaca for a few years and his only excuse is, "not now. the dollar is weak." Lame. Sounds like an accountant to me!
OH! How fun!!!
So fun!!! I hope you had a great time! We moved to eagle mountain BTW and love i:) You should move out here too, we could be neighbors!
WOW! That looks like one amazing trip....glad you guys are making time for these fun adventures. :)
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