Thursday, September 10, 2009

Europe-Prague style

Visiting Mom and Dad in Prague was easily the highlight of the trip for JJ and I. Here are a few of the happy happenings that happened there.I can't remember the name of this castle ....Mom can you help me out?
Family Home Evening with the folks and the youth. This was an impressive group of kids.This guy, Joe was my buddy. I seem to attract buddies like this one a lot. Hmm...He was a cute little guy-sure liked to eat. (Sounds a lot like the other buddy with me in the picture....)Pure joy.Eating tredernlicks? A little help here Ma?At the market. Pretty fruit! See if you can find JJ's head.

Dad and JJ don't have very good "game faces" when playing cards do they?

We actually bought a picture that was painted from this very spot.Our last night in Prague. They put on quite a show, don't you think?

One last story from Prague.
So saying goodbye to Sister Ma and Elder Pop was a bit harder than I expected. When it was time to say goodbye, the tears started flowing. (You know how when your Mom starts crying, you start crying too? Brutal.)
We got on the train and were waving goodbye to Ma and Pop. We started signing 'I love you' to them. Mom and Dad waved back. And with tears streaming down her face, what did she sign back?

Rock on.
I'll miss you so much! Rock on! So funny, so my mother. Rock on to you too Ma.
I love this picture. It is actually from Denmark but I forgot to include it in the previous post.

Next stop? Austria and Rome


Anonymous said...

this post is full of LOL for me...
1. staring contest:)
2. JJ's head in the fruit.
3. Of course, rock on:) That one will never lose it's humor for me. I might sign it to mom when she's passed on:)

youreprettytoo said...

Funny post! You and I have a talent of attracting "special people!"

Paul said...

Why is it that when explained your mom and dad crying as you left I got all choked up? She's not my mother...your not my daughter... so why is it so sad? Hummm, but it was. I bet they were so glad to see you and so sad for you to go. Love the, "rock on" Shauna.

Paul said...

And this is Thelissa Posting, not Paul... although I'm guessing he'd get all choked up too!

Michael said...

The St. Vitus Cathedral at Prague Castle, trdlnik are the circular paastries, we are still missing you and you truly "ROCK" or was that "ROCK-ON"?

Lance and Alayna said...

You sure know how to rock a headband JJ!

Megan H. said...

Those are some fun pics! Leave it to JJ to try and mess with one of the guards...doesn't surprise me one bit!

tara said...

I'm entirely jealous of this whole trip thing. How fun for you guys! The pics of you sleeping are by far my favorite..

Nat & Me