I was born of goodly parents. I come from good quality stock. Healthy stock. Faithful stock.
And frugal stock.
For those of you who don't have the privilege of knowing my dad, I think this saying sums him up. "He is a man of few needs and even fewer wants."
He lives by the motto: Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without. He works hard and has a hard time pampering himself. (I'm pretty sure he has a few boxes of walking shoes we've given him over the years, still unopened in his closet. I think we've given him the same pair for Christmas a few years now.)
I love my frugal father. I appreciate his work ethic. I do not appreciate, however, that I can't seem to buy myself a new pair of soccer cleats.
One reason is that these shoes lasted me through my "Murray Chicks Kick" days as a Spartan. (Although we kinda sucked more than "kicked". But that's beside the point.) How can one be attached to an inanimate object like old/stinky shoes? I don't know but I love these cleats with every fiber of my being. I'm tempted to duct tape them to make them last.
The other reason is my simple frugal nature that I come by genetically. I'm in the "make it do" stage. I can make these do right? Right Dad? Back me up here.
Sadly, I think not. I think they've kicked their last kick. (and probably tripped their last trip. I'm a bit of a clumsy fool even on the soccer field. Shocker, I know.)
In other exciting news, I got my hair cut and majorly thinned out today. (I also come from Hairy Stock. Seriously, talking horse hair people. Come to think of it, as a kid, I think my Mom used a shampoo called "Horse's Mane" on me. Sounds really pretty huh?)
Check out my teeny pony tail! Its so small!
I wish I would have taken a picture of the large furry animal on the ground at the salon when I left. Seriously looked like a brown bear cub.
And why didn't I know about these guys sooner?
Much more laughter has been in my life since JJ and I discovered these fellas. I highly recommend that you take 7 minutes and click on this link. So funny. Right up my humor alley.
Flight of the Conchords-Issues
Grandparents Day
6 years ago
Your "horse" hair = amazing. It's gorgeous. And, I want to see the "after" picture. Love every word you ever write on your blog. Just love you.
that comment from Annie is funny, cause that IS your after hair. Your kids are gonna have CRAZY hair. Have fun brushing that:) And, I told you you could have my cleats after the next 2 games... just stuff socks in the end and they'll fit you just fine:)
Dad said, "Don't waste money by buying duct tape for those old shoes!! (See if you can borrow the tape from the neighbors.) Atta girl."
Mom said. "Oh for heavens sake,GO BUY NEW CLEATS!! You make me laugh and so does Dad!!!
Ha Ha! Your dad sounds just like my dad...We'd always ask him what he wanted for Christmas, he'd say "World Peace (because it's not something money can buy) and new socks (because they are practical and cheap)". So we'd buy him socks and did he ever use them, NO! Love what your mom commented...
I love your posts - too funnyQ! I don't know how you keep coming up with all of this clever and witty stuff, but please keep it coming! And I totally love your hair - would trade you any day. Do you want fine, crappy hair? I know - who wouldn't?
Dang - pushed publish too soon. Ry and I love Flight of the Conchords. So funny! We actually saw them in person and they were hilarious.
Nat, why are you so funny? I love reading your blog!
So Leslie (Allard) is throwing me a baby shower next week and we sent you an Evite. Let me know if you didn't get it!
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