Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Hills are Alive...

...With the Sound of ...JJ and I singing the Sound of Music.
Our next stop was to Austria. We spent half a day in Vienna and a half day in Salsburg. (Which is so not enough!)
Little tip, if you want to go on the Sound of Music tour (which we did) you have to get to the train station by 2:30 pm, that's when the last tour bus leaves (which we didn't...dang).
So here are some the highlights from Vienna and Salsburg.JJ had to stop and document this. You'll have to ask him why.
Check out these 2 couples making out RIGHT next to each on the same bench. Talk about awkward.....
Cute little statue.My first and by far BEST gelato tasting experience. Seriously, like a burst of flavor in your mouth. Seriously so stinkin good. I salivate while just looking at the picture. Can you tell how serious I am about this? When it comes to good gelato, I mean business. Thank you Vienna!The Danube River.Traveling does in fact, make me very tired and JJ wanted to document every. single. time I fell asleep. So great to have picture of drool face Natalie. Thank you JJ.Mozart's birthplace.Check out this guy seriously wading in the pond for money. Tough economic times indeed! Ain't no shame in it brotha! I'm only sad we didn't think of it first!Good ol Maria and Captain VonTrapp.Pretty sure I can hear those hills singing.


Shelley Nicole said...

Dude! Can I just marry you guys too? Three's Company... Your life looks so fun! MIss you!

mama missy said...

What a grand European holiday!

Darla said...

Ha Ha Ha! I am just sitting her by myself laughing at the guy in the pond fishing for money, and the two kissing couples. I just love reading your always keeps me laughing!

KDav said...

Don't know if JJ ever told you this, but I was an exchange student in Austria and the months I spent in Austria weren't enough either! I'm so jealous about your vacation! Glad you had a good time.

KDav said...
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l + j said...

sooo jealous of your european adventures. one day, i hope to venture over there!

youreprettytoo said...

seriously missy you make me laugh so much. besides your post- i just read the comment you made on mom's blog. so funny.

Chels said...

I love that every picture of you alone has something crazy going on in the background. And I love your serious face. I am serious about my dessert too. Good work! It looks like you guys had a blast. And how could you not when you were traveling with the 2 coolest people I know? Seriously.

Steph H said...

I love the things you guys take pictures of! Like the group make out session--awesome. Did you guys join in? Cozy up right in between them on the bench and go at it? When in Rome... (okay, or Vienna)

Nat & Me