Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Woo hoo for teeny zucchini!

Check it out Ma! I'm not a black thumb after all!

Cute little veggies all makin a smiley face and what not. Let the zucchini games begin Ma.
My teeny zucchini grows hair!


Paul said...

My garden was attack by the new dog. No veggies for us this year. :( So glad you're have come in and kind glad I'm not part of the zucchini games! I was sort of part of last years since a family of zucchinis showed up to my labor and delivery nurse while I was in labor! ;) You guys are so funny!


Cody and Wendy said...

Natty, not only can you kick a mean soccer ball you have a SERIOUS green thumb! VERY IMPRESSED! A girl of MANY talents!! Sure love ya!

emily mcd said...


Anonymous said...

I could come over and take some of those teeny zucchinis off your hands- if you want:)

Rachele said...

Natalie I love you. Your posts always make me smile. P.S. cute teeny weeny "zuccheenies!"

mama missy said...

Impressive green thumb. Maybe the zuchinni will come on a trip to Prague!!!! In czech that would be cuketa

youreprettytoo said...

Game on! I got a garden full of spaghetti squash that have informed me they are serious contenders in the "Squash and all its hideous forms" Summer Olympics!

Nat & Me