Monday, September 22, 2008

Zucchini Wars

I love my family.

I love my family's jokes.
Good times are to be had with the Robbins family and 2 giant zucchinis.
We think we are so stinking funny.And we are.

We just don't know when to stop a good joke.
For an explanation of these pictures, go here


Ashley Christensen said...

Hi JJ and Natalie!
I saw your blog address on Den Danske Mission site and I just wanted to say hej.

You two look so happy!
Take care

Ashley (MacFarlane) Christensen

Zipporah said...

You are so funny and creative. I always love to read the funny things that you have on your blog. We love you guys!

emily mcd said...

Who knew veggies could be so entertaining AND nutritious?

Ryan and Staci said...

Oh your mom is too funny I still remember at girls camp when she would do the frog story (or it had frogs in it) and she would make faces and use different voices. I guess she stepped up her game before she left. :)

Lindsay said...

ok ok, yes I do creep your blog as well.. I'm a little out of control to be honest. The other day I had to text Emily and tell her that for some reason I was looking at the Oakcrest page. Why? I have no idea.. But none the less, I think I looked at a majority of that blog.
I saw that "you're a creeper" sign and just had to put it on my blog! Probably more of a personal reminder though, or I could put up one with those name tags "hello my name is" and the name says I'm a creeper. Perfect.
P.s. Oh yes I heard your parents got to see my brother! Pretty jealous about it, but what can I do? hehe
Well Natto I think you're great, and I wanted to say thanks for the example you have set for me-whether you knew it or not.

Amber said...

You guys are so silly!
I love the hair and dress you put on sister Robbins. We have some 20 inch cucumbers at our house from our Garden that you are welcome to play dress up with if you'd like-what else do you do with jumbo veggies :)

amberjill said...

ahhhh natalie!! i thought since you commented on my blog, it was a sign to come and check for your "amber is so cool" post! If only the tag asked for 4 joys, then you would have made the list! :) As for soccer, it's more of a fear. My dr says I shouldn't play games where balls fly at my head!! :)

Nat & Me