Some of you may not know that I love soccer. I do. (see shoe below) I love it with every fiber of my being. :) So the past four months have been pure bliss. My sister, Kari, invited me to play on a team that her cool friend, Julie, (who is probably too cool for school) started. Last night was our last game. (sniff sniff) We played awesome and kicked some "grass" (some of us kind of ate grass, myself included) So without further adieu, I present to you the members of the S FACTOR
JULIE: Our captain, our fearless leader. She has the strength of a woman and a tiny little baby. Anywhere you need her to be, she is there.
AMBER: "The Wall" Nothin gets past this girl. Her catlike reflexes have saved many a goal. Plus she looks quite sezzy in her pink goalie tank top. :)
JAMIE: Most courageous. She has never played soccer before and she is kickin some serious grass.
KARI: "Rookie of the Year" For pete's sake, she scored with her HIP! Need I say more? I love this sister of mine.
EMILY: Go-go gadget legs. You can always rely on Em's long legs. Talk about finesse. I've played soccer with her since the good ol days of Mike Ogrin and Murray Rec. :) Good times.
KATIE: Most likely to stay on her feet. :) She and Em are sisters so they have the espn thing goin for 'em. And because she and Em are default Katie and I are sisters.
WENDY: The Ultimate Defender. When I get beat (and I often do) I can always rely on Wendy-bird to save my bootay. And she does, that is why I love her.
ALLISON: A regular Mia Hamm. She has fooled many a defender with her fancy footwork. I'd like to say its because we're related but....we're only related by law. So that doesn't worksomuch. Needless to say she's got some serious ball skizills.
So what does the name S-factor stand for? For whatever you want it to stand for. Some say it stands for stumblebum, sissy, sassy, sezzy, soccer, sweet, sensational, seussical, and so on but I prefer the Julie's original name when organizing the team. The Sexy Factor. Just look at this picture and tell me you don't agree.Thank you fellow teammates for a fun season. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself on Tuesday nights anymore.....
Grandparents Day
6 years ago
that was awesome!! if only i'd known my picture was being taken i could have totally "posed" with the goal post or something a little more sezzy!?!? i think we still need to get together and put on shin guards on tuesday nights, just so we stay on top of our game! :) can't WAIT til next season!!
You Robbins' girls are so multi-talented! :)
who is your photographer- I just HAVE to get her name. She is gooooood:) good job girls- I will be there again next year to cheer you on!
I may or may not be flipping everyone off in my picture. Awesome. And hey girlfriend, we must add a little tidbit about NATALIE: Consistently good, reliable, and perhaps the steadiest player on the field. Incredible defense (it's all about the D) but not afraid to run it up and score one for the team. I've loved watching you and "tooting" your horn from the sidelines . . . "Yeah, that's my friend (and sister-in-law's sister-in-law) Natalie. She's pretty much amazing."
Hands down- best post so far!:) And I'm not prejudice just because I am in it. Although one correction- this wasn't my "rookie" year. I did play last year you know- so that is why I'm so good and all. I;m so glad I invited you to play. loveyou
I wish I played soccer so I could be on that fun team! But, I'm ridiculous at it. Fun to see so many familiar faces.
Woo-woo!! I really enjoyed this post! I'm sad we never got to play each other and I'm still looking forward to playing with you!! It would "seriously" be so much fun :) Hopefully soon!! If not this indoor session, the next one for sure!!
That was beautiful and it brought a tear to my eye. And then there is Natalie....She can head the ball into outer space without blinkin an eye. She has solid rock hard get out of her way. So are you gonna get Maria to play with us next year. If so, they may put us in the winners bracket...what would we do!!
Oh Natalie! Love the post! The picture, not so much. The season...priceless!
And, before you were my sis-in-laws sis-in-law, you were already like a sister to me. Thanks for being emers dearest!
I loved this post! Made me wish I could have played in more than just one game with you girls. Loved it! You girls are the best!
I wish I was there to play with you guys! It makes me so sad!!! By the way, that holey cleat shot reminded me of something . . .
Go Sexy girls!
You ladies look so professional with your uniforms and treats.
Natalie-I've come accross your blog through a few different people and think it's so fun to read! You crack me up! Looks like you girls had fun playing soccer, I couldn't really play back in the day, and I REALLY can't play now! :) Hope you don't mind me adding you to my blog list. Check mine out:
-Darla (DeMann) Hartman
I didn't know you played soccer. You are one of the coolest people I know. I am a terrible soccer player. Michael and I played on a league in dental school and I was definitely the worst person on the team.
Love you and hope to see you soon. We'll be there on the 22nd of October for about a week and a half.
Can I please come be on a team with you? Any team, really...bowling, bunco, shuffleboard, whatever. Anything that provides me with the opportunity to see you. I'm not kidding.
FUN! oh i want to play with all of you guys! spring maybe?...
I am a little behind in reading the post, but I am so glad I didn't miss this one. I am so sad soccer is over, but at least Tuesday isn't "GI disturbance day" anymore. Until next year...We are taking that title!
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