Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Baby Face

Baby: (as defined by Webster's Dictionary) an extremely young child.
Face: (as defined by Webster's Dictionary) the front part of the head that in humans extends from the forehead to the chin and includes the mouth, nose, cheeks, and eyes.

(Picture compliments of my cute neice Maddie.)
A. I am not an extremely young child. and B. Well, yes, I do have a face.
Is that clear?

I was at work the other day and my boss was interviewing people for a CNA position. I had a minute so she asked if I would show the interviewees a tour of the floor. She introduced me to said interviewees by saying, "This is Natalie, she is a nurse on our floor. She helps out with training new CNAs. She is going to take you on a tour of our floor."
Very nice introduction. Thank you Boss.
I had no sooner spoke the words "follow me", when one lovely young woman (not much older than myself I might add) says to me with a raised eyebrow and a disgusted look, "You are a nurse? ...You don't look old enough to be a nurse."
I promptly told her that the tribe has spoken, pack her bags for she is not the biggest loser, you're fired, you are no longer in the running to become America's Next Top Model, etc.
Well, I guess I didn't really say that. I wanted to. It went something more like this.
"Oh, Um, thank you, ...I think...I'm 25 so I don't know if that's old enough for ya. But yes I am. thankyouverymuch"

Just an extra clarification

BABY FACEMeet "The Suze"

Although I do not quite have a baby face per say, I do however, have a puberty face. Sorry for the zitface Kofford. Yar, I'm not attractive.

And finally, AWESOME FACE
How can you resist this kid? :)


Thelissa said...

I could just pinch those baby face cheeks! Just kidding. You should have made up some great story, like, "Yeah, I'm pretty young to be a nurse. I graduated from high school when I was 14 and went straight to med-school from there. I think most refer to me as a genius, but you can call me Doogie Kooford".

Anonymous said...

yeah- finally I can post a comment- computer retarded earlier today. Doesn't my daughter and her hubby look so cute in their pictures?

Shelley Nicole said...

I love you! A lot! And I love that story! Call her up when you're 50 and have NO wrinkles and tell her to kiss your still smooth non-sagging butt.

Cheryl said...

I like this post. I laughed out loud actually. Thank you for using different sizes of fonts because I could actually hear you saying all of these things. I also love that you post pictures of yourself and JJ that maybe aren't... your best. You know I think you're beautiful and always will, but... it just made me laugh.

Tebbs Times said...

I love your baby face!! You will always look young...I promise you will be grateful someday...When everyone is old and wrinkly, you will be the glowing, no wrinkle, young buck!! You are a hoot Nat!!

mama missy said...

You will always be the "Baby" face to me. I loved your post.
Love you!

Maria said...

You crack me up girl! I'm right there with ya on the puberty face except mine is way worse than yours!! Hopefully I'll see ya on Wed. at the game - GO D!

Steph H said...

Don't you hate that? I advise several masters students that are older than me or close to my age. It's tough to show that you really know what you're doing and have earned your spot. I feel for ya, sister!

Nat & Me