Saturday, June 26, 2010

Big Day

Bridger Jay turned one month old yesterday.
Big day, I know.
This is how we/he celebrated. We Koffords sure do know how to party.
Early morning, he studied up on pandas and lions.....and a little green thingy.
Ate some grub....Bridger loves my cooking.
Pooped the grub out.
Took a bath.
Told each other some jokes.
.....they were mildly humorous....
Looked all cute for a picture.Showed how many months he is.
Got tired of looking cute.
Got a little milk drunk. I submit there is nothing better than a full tummy eh buddy?
I think we'll keep him.....for at least another month. :)


Anonymous said...

real, REAL, REAl funny post!:) I definately lol!

youreprettytoo said...

Soooo funny and cute! Bridger takes after his Aunt Kari in his one month old picture. And I appreciate you making your blog G-rated with the strategically placed wash cloth!

Kristine Bunting said...

So cute! You are so hilarious Natalie! I miss working with you!

Jenny said...

Okay, so it's already been said and re-said, but Nat, you are one funny girl.

emily mcd said...

I love that little guy! When can I come and snuggle his sweet face and catch up with his hilarious mama? :) Soon!

jill said...

Hey Natalie, first off cute cute sweet baby, and cute blog!

Steph H said...

It's official. You make cute babies. Love the play by play.

Nat & Me