This post is way overdue but at this point, better late than never eh?
(Take note: I have made an April resolution to take more pictures of events and everyday life, so this post may be overloaded)
Justin Jay Kofford the third had a Happy to You. More specifically, a 27th Happy to You. This is what we did to celebrate.....
This is how excited we are as we travel to Tucanos for their buy one get one free birthday meal. And really why not? A. We love good food and B. We love free stuff.
Pictures speak a thousand words.....Lets just say we hurt em...we hurt em good.
And what birthday celebration isn't complete without a little ice cream party?
Allison, Jacob, Kari, the Suze, Tyler (you know, we're cousins now), Holly, and part of Jason's face and hand.
Matt and Kara busted in the kitchen.
The Suze and Bretty partying it up.
Ahh yes, we love these people. The Taylor families. aka "Bridge Co"
Happy Birthday to the J man. Thanks to all those who came to celebrate (in spirit and in person). He/we certainly felt loved. And a special thanks to the J man for living for 27 years. I love you!
Happy Birthday to the J man. Thanks to all those who came to celebrate (in spirit and in person). He/we certainly felt loved. And a special thanks to the J man for living for 27 years. I love you!
Wish we could've been there!! Your house looks so cute! Can't wait till we get to see it in person. Happy birthday JJ!
I have to say, Natalie, that I am VERY disappointed that there aren't cute Prego Pictures of you! You need to get some up for me! I haven't been able to see that belly swell from way down the way, did JJ tell you we've got another one on the way, too?
Happy Birthday JJ! We love you and are so glad you are in our family!
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