For the silly fools who want to see what I look like with my eggo all prego-ed, look no further. I present to you-Me (and all my pregnancy glory).
This is little ol (scratch that BIG 'ol) me with 1 week and 2 days to go until my due date. But really, who's kiddin who, it'll probably be more like 2 1/2 weeks until the little man makes his debut into this world. All the while, my belly button is proudly flaunting itself for all to see its insides.
Grandparents Day
6 years ago
Cutest little preggers I ever did see. :) Can't wait to meet the little whipper snapper!
You look fantastic!! You're supposed to "flaunt it if you got it" and you've got it girlfriend!!
I am glad you posted this. Not because I wanted to see your pregnant belly, because I totally know how you feel, but because I knew you were due soon. Now I know. ;) And what is it with people wanting to see how fat we are getting?
You look fantastic! Especially for being so far along!!
PS I love your clock!
Hoooray!!! Thanks for obliging. I only had to harass you a little bit! :) BTW, you are so tiny!!! Is there really a full grown baby in there???
I would stick with "little ol". Pregnancy suits you well you beautiful girl. Hope life in week 39 is treating you well. :) xo
Hooray! I've been meaning to ask you to post a picture. You look great! I can't wait to meet your little guy. And I understand what you mean about feeling large and in charge, although you don't look anywhere near that.
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