Thursday, April 1, 2010

Some Questions for my Sadie Dog

Why do you shed so much? I swear you are bent on getting hair EVERYWHERE. Keep your hairs to your self. No one wants them in their unmentionables or even food for that matter.

Why you gotta be so "licky"? You lick...and lick....and lick some more. Not everything (ie: the couch, any part of my body hanging off the bed, socks, the garbage can, unfortunately the toilet) is a tasty treat.

Why do you think that this cabinet is your home? Anytime that door is open you go waltzing on in like you own the place.

Why do you have the nastiest gas that has ever passed through my nasal passages? Seriously, nose hairs have been burned....and that hurts. And then you look at me all innocently like this...What? Who? Me?

Why do you sleep in the most uncomfortable positions ever? Did chinese contortionists own you previously? It makes my hips hurt just to watch you sleep girl.

And lastly, why do you make JJ so happy? It is this fact that keeps you around Sadie dog and don't you forget it (I guess you're kinda growing on me too, in a slow/moldy sorta way).


youreprettytoo said...

Nice Couches! And the fact that Sadie's gas burns your nose hairs is a true testament to how strong it really is...given who you grew up with ;)

thetaylors said...

You LOVE her!! I am soo happy. I know it may not seem like it yet, but I think that you may in fact love her. What a fun little pet.

Megan H. said...

Natalie, you crack me up! I would have the same complaints if Marcus ever showed up with a dog!

Anonymous said...

Missy, the picture of the dog in the cupboard is FUN- NEE! I even knew the story and I laughed out loud at the pictures:)

Darla said...

Sadie is so cute! I love the cabinet pictures! Dogs are too funny, why do we put up with all the shedding, licking and unpleasant smells? Well, who am I kidding, I have 3 of these monsters and wouldn't trade them for anything!

Chels said...

She's stunning! I am so glad you posted pictures of her! And my cat Woody LOVES the cabinet under the kitchen sink too, but he opens it all by himself, knocks all of the bottles over, and then settles in for a nap. Whenever I can't find him I walk to the kitchen, see Windex on the floor, and know exactly where he is :)

Steph H said...

I love you. I love the way your brain works and the clever way you write. When I was pregnant I went visiting teaching and the girl's dog had the WORST gas I've EVER smelled. I think my sensitive pregnant nose made it ten times worse, but still...

Nat & Me