JJ and I were lucky enough to be part of the Taylor family for a weekend up at their cabin in Island Park a few weekends ago. A good time was had by all who were in attendance.
Here are a few of the happy happenings that happened there. Pictures courtesy of Brittany and Kristin. The only pic I have on our camera needs a censor...thanks Bridger. :)
First things first, we (and when I say "we", I mean Bridger, Brady, and JJ) had to dig out the front door so we could get in. (And when I say "dig out the front door", I mean, Kristin and I sat in the warm car exchanging pleasant conversation.)
JJ being manly and splittin wood.
Lunch at Ponds Lodge where JJ learned (the uncomfortable way) to regret his decision of chili for lunch.
And Brittany warmed her buns by the fire with a dang good cup 'o hot chocolate.
I love it when Brittany smashes her face into my shoulder while we sleep.
A fun day of snowmobiling ahead.
Pretty sure this was taken before Kristin yelled at the top of her lungs "!@#$ YOU BRIDGER!" Turns out Bridger is quite fearless on a snowmobile and can't go fast enough.
Also, pretty sure this picture was taken before Brady and his long body gracefully rolled off the back of the snowmobile while his loving wife, Brittany drove off. :)
And again, right before Kristin took a tumble down this big hill and rolled .....and then rolled some more. I'm not gonna lie, I laughed pretty hard. (in fact, I'm laughing right now as I type this)
Testing out the machinery myself. My motto? Slow and steady wins the race.
Lunch at Ernie's where Brady imparted his words of wisdom to us on the symbolism of waterbottles....
....And then proceded to unhinge his jaw and eat the biggest burger I have ever seen.
JJ keeping up with the big boys and getting some air on the snowmobile.
I believe my shouting words were, "If you want to go off that jump. I'm getting off!" Notice how I am planted firmly on the ground in the background.
Yellowstone was a pretty sight!
Boys will be boys. (Kristin, this is probably a sign of things to come in 10 years!)
Just because I love this picture of Brittany. Go 'head, blow it up and take a look at the joy on her face.
So many treats.....so...many...treats.....
The whole gang.
Here are a few of the happy happenings that happened there. Pictures courtesy of Brittany and Kristin. The only pic I have on our camera needs a censor...thanks Bridger. :)
I believe my shouting words were, "If you want to go off that jump. I'm getting off!" Notice how I am planted firmly on the ground in the background.
Thank you Taylor family for adopting us for a weekend. Thanks for the many belly laughs and good, clean, fun. We loved it and sure hope we can do it again sometime.
I love the Taylors...I didn't know you were close enough to them to get an invite to the cabin. I haven't been to there cabin since I was 17. It looks like you guys had a blast!!!
You make me laugh more than anyone I know. I was rolling when I read this...your explanations of every picture were perfect. What a fun trip! Can't wait to do it again! Love you guys lots!
Wow, what a fun trip. And that burger...holy smokes. did he really eat the whole thing?
Such a fun trip! I am so glad that we were able to go. Thanks for posting these. We need to start planning our next adventure :)
What a blast!
FUN! I love Island Park! I love the commentary. And congrats on the little man! Boys are great!
That looks so fun! Have to say, I'm a little (or a lot) envious. How much longer until you all move into the new casa?
Do we know the "Taylors" well enough to get an invite? Looks like you had a great time!!!
That looks like it was an awesome getaway. I am really wanting to see Natalie looking pregnant. Maybe that can be your next post? Love ya!
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