The verdict isn't out on the facebook dilemma, why can't I decide? Shoot I can't make even small/insignificant decisions, its a wonder I ever got married! (Bless you JJ)
So this last week, we had a Robbins/Kofford Spook party. Here are some highlights of the event, for those of you who didn't have an opportunity to come. (ahem, Mom and Dad)
All the little people in attendance. Cute little buggers eh?
All the little people in attendance. Cute little buggers eh?
Itty Bit and Jacob. Jacob provided the sweet entertainment by dancing to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. "Should we listen to Holy, Holy? Oh! and High onna Mountain top?"
Pretty sure Maddie is professing her love for all things sugar cookie here.
I love the Suz's choice in footwear.
"Fairy-skunk" complete with wand.
And the best costume of the night goes to Matthew Leonard, for obvious reasons. None other than the "Zach Morris." Genius.
Looks like the spook tradition lives on! So much funnnnnnn!!!!!!
I think your such a good aunt. I look at all that frosting and oohy goohy mess and I want to cry. Good On Ya....oh and join facebook, just so that you can be in my Mafia. I need more people.
So are you guys all moved in to your new house? Lets see pictures!
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