Wednesday, October 21, 2009

To Facebook or Not to Facebook, that is the question

I gotta problem. (When my sister, Kari, was in high school, this special kid used to call her all the time and that was the first thing he'd say when you picked up the phone. Eventually my Grandma Sara chewed him out and told him to stop calling her.)

I'm not a facebook hater, per se, but I have resisted creating a facebook account. These are my reasons.
1. I don't want another password to remember.
2. I don't want another thing to have to keep track of/update/deal with.
3. I'm not that interesting, I don't want to flatter myself. (did you catch the irony there?)
4. I'm just plain lazy.
5. I don't want to be another follower and follow the facebook fiend. (Dumb reason, I know, but just because everybody's doing it, doesn't mean I have to right? I am an individual!)
6. I don't want to create an account and then realize, I'm not that cool and no one wants to be my friend.

So with these cons in mind, here are the pros.
1. Seems to be a good way to keep in touch with people you wouldn't otherwise keep in touch with.
2. Everybody and their dog is on facebook! Even my technologically challenged parents are on facebook! My parents have more "friends" than I do! I feel a bit left out.
3. Did I mention I feel a bit left out? Kind of like everyone is swinging on the cool swings and I'm stuck over by the giant tire where the kid that always pees his pants plays. (Turns out he pees on the giant tire too-true story)

There are probably more things I could add to each list. But truthfully I'll probably end up begrudgingly creating a facebook account. Call it peer pressure, call it following the facebook crowd, call it whatever you want, I want to play on the cool swings. (Will you be my friend?)


Holly said...

Don't do it!!! I'm not on it as of like 6 months ago and my life is so much better. If you want more details about my thoughts, email me! :)

Anonymous said...

I say do it- why not?! That's how I keep in touch with JJ:)

Shelley Nicole said...

I will soooo be your friend!!! :)

Thelissa said...

I was on facebook. I recently got off. It's oddly addicting but rarely satisfying.

Tony and Ashley said...

DO IT!!! It's so fun to keep in touch with people that you haven't seen in a long time & people you already keep in touch with. If you do decide to do it, make sure to block your profile so people have to be your friend to see pictures, see your status, info, etc. And you have full control over who you are friends with (because you do sometimes get random invites)! It's super easy and you don't have to get on it that much- I highly recommend it! And if you decide you hate it you can delete your profile and be done with it! ;)

Kristine Bunting said...

Yes! Yes! A million times yes! I will be your friend! I thought you'd never ask!

Laura said...

Don't do it, Natalie. The coolest people abstain.

That's what I told my girls when I was the laurel advisor, too.

Ryan and Staci said...

I also held off on creating a FB account....but caved in a few months ago. It is fun to reconnect with people, but it does waste a lot of time if you let it. If you do create an account, I will be your friend. :)

Ryan and Rikke said...

It's funny - I abstained for all the same reasons but finally gave in to the peer pressure and created an account a few months ago. So far I like it, but I don't really do much with it. I can see how it could be a huge time waster. I really like it for the fact I've been able to get in contact with people I've lost track of over the years and that I can see what people are up to without actually having to talk to them. Is that horrible? Probably. But it's true. I'm not much of a phone talker (as you already know). I think you should do it. If I gave in to the pressure you should to.

Britt said...

Well...I'm on there, and I would have to say that it can get quite addicting. But I think it's worth it. If I find myself on there too much I start to time myself. I give myself 20 minutes and if I don't stick to my time limit I don't get on at all the next day. It's all about balance. The thing I love most is staying connected with family that lives far away, like my cousins who I love, but rarely get to see. I think fb is how I got reconnected with JJ, and I am so glad or I wouldn't have gotten to know you through blogging.

tara said...

I agree with your pros and cons..and there are times I've wanted to cancel..but then I like being in touch with my ol' pals..Basically Nat, I'll support you in whatever decision you make...and I'd totally be your fbook friend too.

Darla said...

I must agree with Staci and Rikki...I held off for a while, but I am glad I joined. There's a lot of people I'd never been able to track down, and they're on there! I'll be your friend. Don't listen to all the negative comments, if you don't like it, then you can always delete your account. :)

Danielle Perona said...

Yes yes yes! Listen, you're only 26 and your parent's are more in touch than you. Catch the wave baby!

youreprettytoo said...

First of all thanks for sharing that story about David and my ability to attract "special" friends and second of all is the kid on the tire swing who peed their pants a reference to me in kindergarten?!? If so, go ahead and join facebook and leave me be on the tire swing alone. I can handle it. No one wanting to sit next to me on the bus ride home from kindergarten prepared me well to navigate the non-facebooking waters solo. :)

Julie said...

I didn't know your mom was on facebook....I totally wanna be her friend.

Nat & Me