Monday, November 29, 2010

A Thanksgiving Equation

Take one bum knee...
Divided by a sniffling/coughing/runny nose/droopy drawers/cute little bug...
Minus one hacking/nettie pot using/Barry White sounding/sneezing/tired husband...
Multiplied by good food....
and even better family....
Plus lots of support from friends, neighbors, and family....
One Thankful Girl


Holly said...

Dangit Natalie...why didn't you tell me? We could have gimped around together!!! So are you totally healed because I had all intentions of letting you use my Polar Care ice machine thingy, but maybe you already have one. I'm sorry...should we get together and share knee stories? I think we should!

youreprettytoo said...

So posts on saidee don't get any comments..sad! In that last picture Bridger looks more like you and Jacob to me! i'm thankful for you! love you!

Laura said...

What a trooper.

Maria said...

Time to play soccer now! Woot, woot! Ok, probably not yet but at least you will have a functioning knee that won't give out on you :) Hope everyone gets better soon!

Nat & Me