My older brother, Matt, is affectionately called Beabus in our house. The name stems from MTVs Beavis and Butthead show (anyone remember that?). Well my two older brothers used to talk like them and eventually started calling each other Beavis and Butthead. The older brother, Finn, (see below, the eye thing is a talent us Robbins people have...special I know)
taught all the neices and nephews that Matt's name was Beavis. Naturally, because of the complexity of the name, my nephew, little Finn (as opposed to Big Finn, the older brother) started calling Matt, Beabus. .....And so it was.
Anywho, today is Matt's birthday. He probably doesn't even read this blog but I just wanted to give him a little shout out anyway. Mostly because he really doesn't get a lot of attention this time of year. Poor kid has Christmas and Birthday presents all shoved at him within 24 hours and then has to wait for another 364 days for the next go 'round. (I guess my birthday isn't that much better, its two weeks from Christmas, ......don't say I didn't give you fair warning to shower me with gifts in two weeks)
Some of you know my brother and some of you don't but I just wanted to share some things I love about my older brother, Beabus.
- He doesn't get his feathers ruffled that often. A real laid back kinda fella.
- He can quote Saved by the Bell better than I can. "I'm so excited! I'm so excited!...I'm so...I'm so....scared." "I was in the seat, I'll take the heat." Thank you Bayside.
- He looked death straight in the eye. (Bless you Allison, (his wife) for saving his life. Come to think of it, I should dedicate a whole post to you!)
- Because of facing death he is now the butt of many family jokes. Very few does he remember. i.e. "They're gonna open me up and tinker with my ticker!" and lets not forget his reaction when we told him about a thousand times that he had had a cardiac arrest. Eyes wide open, honestly shocked, "Are you serious?" Its only funny now because he is A-okay. See? He cheated death! Who does that?
- He loves jello. One time when we were in college, he called me to come help him make dinner for his dinner group. He had forgotten to put the bananas in the jello before it set so he just jammed them on top. Kinda looked like a cat had gotten to it, no matter, I'm sure he loved it just the same.
- He's got a dry, quiet, dang funny sense of humor.
- He's famous for saying, "! Jacob NO!" (I think my mom loves that Matt has a son who is more rambunctious than he was.)
- He and his wife leave the best birthday messages....ever.
- He's probably got the longest toes in the family. And that's saying somethin, because the rest of us have fingers for toes. (see picture below)
When he was young, he'd lay back and change the channel on the t.v. with his E.T. phone home toes. No need for a remote, "go go gadget toe!"
- He's always been an awesome example for me and I love him a whole heap.
Sweet tribute to your gem of a brother. Happy Birthday Matt. And Merry Christmas to you, cute Natalie. Xoxo
I love your post to our Matty boy!
When you put it that way, I do sound pretty awesome, but I think you need to clarify that those toes are NOT mine.
I love me, I mean you, too!
And, where did you get that picture of my fam?
Hey Nate! I just happened to come across your blog! I hope things are going well! Congrats on the Baby!
PS! I meant Nat! Oops! I'm dumb!
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