Sunday, October 11, 2009

Heaven on Earth-minus the shredded up hand

You all thought I was done with posting/bragging/blogging/blah blahing about Europe eh? You were sorely mistaken!....This is Cinque Terre.
I highly recommend this place to anyone! We absolutely loved it and can't wait to go back. (After all we deserve a redo! Read on to find out...ohhh the suspense!)

The beginning of our 7 mile hike through the five earths. The hike goes along the coast of Italy through five beautiful cities. You can stop and spend as much time as you like through each town.
Wow, seriously dude? (I believe those were my thoughts) So glad JJ had the quick reflexes to snap this photo.
Cute little grapes. Each town used to be big on producing wine.
So hiking through the coast of Italy in August is brutal. By the time we got to the 4th town, dripping sweat, just short of stripping down into our nothins, we were more than ready to get into the water. We decided we'd swim a little bit in Vernazza (the 4th town) and then make our way up to Monterosso (the last town, where the best beach is)and spend the rest of the day swimming there. Good plan eh? Or so we thought.
I, being the female that I am, needed to go to the bathroom. I leave JJ for 2 seconds and look what happens! He started to get into the ocean and slipped on some rocks and barnacle. It filleted him right up, just like a fish.
After he slipped he was kind of embarassed and quickly got out of the water to see blood running down his arm. (No kidding!) The first person he saw was this guy, Jon, an American military guy serving in Italy. And he happened to know exactly where the medic was. It was in some remote part of town, JJ and I would have never found it on our own. Coincidence? I think not.
So long story short. We need a redo. After the medic bandaged up JJ's hand he said, "No more swimming." (no more happiness!) JJ had spent a total of 30 seconds in the water. Shoot. But no worries, I had no troubles getting in and enjoying the medditerranean waters while JJ longingly watched from the rocky shore. (Dang rocks and barnacles!)
Cinque Terra=1 JJ=0
And thank you Jon for saving my husbands life and for speaking English.


Michael said...

(this is from Mama Missy. New email address.)

Jokilyn said...

You guys are much braver than we were! We took the train that goes from town to town instead of walking it! :) I agree that this is a MUST SEE if you travel to Europe! Absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Sorry that JJ couldn't enjoy all of it! :(

J and T said...

There must be something about the Cinque Terre. Our hike turned out successful (it was May and cool and beautiful), but we didn't stay in the water too long. Minutes after we sat on a rock and stuck out legs in, Jeff felt something twist around his leg. He didn't want to freak me out my over-reacting, but he was a little freaked out himself thinking it was a snake. He started to yank his foot out of the water and out came an octopus attached to his leg. It was about three feet in length. After that experience, I didn't have a huge desire to swim with the ocean life. It was so much fun in those little towns, though. We found a dessert shop at the top of Vernazza that we just fell in love with. I'm so happy you were able to stop here. It was one of our favorite spots.


emily mcd said...

Eeewww! Woah buddy. I know I was warned about these photos. I tried my best to read the text while covering up the pics. . . poor JJ! As I read the title to this post I thought it was going to say "Heaven on Earth-minus the heaven part". :) I think either title works for JJ. Glad you were able to go for a little dippy-poo though!
P.S. Is it fair for you to look drop dead gorgeous in the last pic with no makeup after just swimming in the stinky ocean? I submit that it is not. :)

Ryan and Rikke said...

Those are some pretty nasty cuts! I thought I had it rough when I feel out of my canoe in Costa Rica and hide to ride the rest of the rapids on my bottom, but it looks like JJ has me beat in the wound department. Thanks heaves. I was tired of being the winner for that. The pictures look gorgeous (aside from JJ's wounds) and I'm sure jealous of your trip. Maybe someday husband and I will venture there. And I agree with Em - so unfair that you always fantastic, even after a dip in the ocean.

Did your sister tell you that I had dinner with her while she was in Texas? Small world, right?

Britt said...

Crazy! Glad you're still posting. Glad you're ok JJ!

Anonymous said...

JJ- that's gross! But, seriously, glad you're alright, cause you Koffords just can't seem to keep your bodies in one piece. You couldn't have anything more serious cause Missy had to come home and tear her ACL and all:)

Nat & Me