Thursday, September 18, 2008


Readers, be advised, this blog will contain a lot of mooshy, juicy, "feelings," oriented comments directed to my wonderful wife. I invite everyone to read this blog, but please do not taint this blog with "wait 'til reality hits you," comments. It's fine if people feel that that the "honeymoon stage" can only last so long before reality comes. Natalie and I both have agreed to do everything we can to keep that twinkle in our eyes as long as possible (you may think us naive, but it's been done before).
If I were to summarize Natalie into a few words, I might say: LOVING, KIND, FUN, INCREDIBLE.
I can't even begin to describe to the blogging world, how my wife makes me feel, just knowing that she loves me. Frank Sinatra says it best that "with [her] head on my chest, I'm Mr. Success... with [her] standing by my side, I couldn't be a failure even if I tried." I love watching her when we're with family, friends, and especially the little people. She is the favorite aunt.
I have never met anyone more kind than Natalie. Seriously. She gets it from her mom, and from what I can tell, her Grandma Sarah. She is constantly getting the worst patients at the hospital, because all of the charge nurses know how kind she is. The mere fact that she married me is screaming "Charity Case," right?!
We have so much fun together. We don't do a whole lot, in that we don't go camping often, or traveling, or sporting events, or anything like that. We enjoy doing all those things, but what's so great is that it doesn't take much for us to be entertained! There is nothing greater than hearing Natalie laugh! She is such a fun, and goofy person!
I am inspired by Natalie's determination to be a better person. I love that she does things that's important to her. Whether it's playing soccer for a rec team in Murray, or taking a Spanish course offered through the hospital so she can be a better nurse to her spanish speaking patients. A few days ago, she was showing me a book that she used to study from while in nursing school. Then, she determined to study from the book again, for the sake of sharpening the saw (as if the saw's dull anyway).
Well, I could go on, but I'm going to post a little slide show of some choice pictures that I feel display the qualities I described. Be it known to anyone who reads this blog, I love my wife dearly, and am so grateful for the privilege and honor it is to be her husband! I can honestly say I married up. I'm glad I searched as long and hard as I did for her, because "she is my biggest fan." I love you Natalie.


Sestra Robbins said...

Yes, she is the BEST and so are YOU!!! Love you both and will miss my roommates.

Lance and Alayna said...

Adorable! You are both adorable! I hope that everyone is as happy and twitterpaited (sp?) as you two for the rest of eternity! That is what life and love is all about!

Shelley Nicole said...

I just want to be here to say that I WOULD NEVER taint such wonderful words! I hardly know you JJ, but you seem great! And I adore the wonderful Natalie! I'm so glad you two are having such fun! By the way, want to come to Disneyland with a couple of the old EFY crew on Dec. 27th? I get you in free!

Steph H said...

What a wonderful post! And I agree-- I love Natto too! Not so much in the same way you do... more like an appropriate amount of awesome girl-power friendship and stuff like that, but you know. Also, I COMPLETLEY agree with the honeymoon stage! Why can't you still get butterflies about each other when you're ninety? Why can't marriage be the best part of your life? It is for Adam and me. Glad to hear it is for you two as well.

Nat & Me